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Free Computer Games - Links | Rating |
Counter Strike popular 2 User Reviews FREE Half-Life Mod: Team based Terrorist vs Anti Terrorist... more | 6.86 |
The brand new massive multiplayer web-game, The Legacy of Holy Castle, is making its appearance. Differ from other common web-game, The Legacy of Holy Castle is based on fantasy warfare story background, and the game also processes a combination of RPG an... more | 6.6 |
Next generation multiplayer first-person shooter.... more | 6.31 |
Day of Defeat 1 User Review FREE MOD to Half-Life: Second World War add-on for Half-Life. Play as Allies (US) or Axis (Germans)... more | 6.24 |
Fantasy Battlefields is a free turn by turn tactical battle game happening in a fantasy universe. Each player leads an army to fight against armies of virtual ennemies (artificial intelligence) or against other players on a network or on the same computer... more | 5.86 |
Free MMO strategy game in flash.... more | 5.5 |
Fantasy Battlefields is a free turn by turn tactical battle game happening in a fantasy universe.
Each player leads an army to fight against armies of virtual ennemies (artificial intelligence) or against other players on a network or on the same comp... more | 5.33 |
Allegiance: AntiMatter 1 User Review Mod for MS Allegiance game. Online only 3D space combat/ RTS/FPS. Awsomegame.... more | 4.5 |
This is a point-and-click fantasy adventure game with +40 scenes.
Darkness is about to destroy the world of Gaea. Eve, a seamstress, must collect and plant four God seeds in the Etheral Garden to save the dawn.... more | 4.33 |