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(5 Votes)

Farmersi is an online turn-based multiplayer economic game, in which players manage their virtual farms in the Wild West - 19th century America. They grow crops, raise cattle and make investments. With the same initial conditions they try to develop their farms better and have higher profits than competitors. Games for 4-8 players last for 5-15 turns, with turns calculated every 12h or 24h. Join the game and start your own farm at Your success depends only on your skills and decisions!
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Latest User Review
great economic game
(5/5) Reviewed by
User: sheriff21
on 2007-12-29
I think it is a very good game. OK, it may be hard at first, and it requires some thinking - but is it bad? It is the only online game I found which requires only some 15 minutes a day (non-addictive) and in which victory depends only on players decisions - not luck, how much time they spend online or if they paid or not.
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