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(2 Votes)

Intelligent Gear

Intelligent Gear

Intelligent Gear is an online turn based browser game set in a galaxy where a battle rages between the "Colonial Federation" and the "Intelligent Gear Armada" for complete control. Each player determines the destiny of their starship by upgrading onboard technology, gathering new recruits, and developing sound combat tactics to amass the most powerful starship in the galaxy and bring victory to their fleet. The game progresses on an hourly 'tick' basis, with command decisions being made between those ticks. Once you have created an account, you are then given a most important decision: Do you defend the galaxy, or help destroy it?

Latest User Review

The game wasn't the best

1/5 stars(1/5) Reviewed by User: GameRanker109 on 2007-09-30

The Game wasn't the best one i have seen, but i would recomend it for players that like that stuff such as:Kids, adults, Etc. But if you don't like stuff like: Star trek, and other adventure movies, then i wouldn't recomend it. And if you like adventure games, why not try ""?, Thats a good adventure game.

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