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(5 Votes)


Beer-Runners is a massive, online, multiplayer text based game. Here you are a hoodlum on a quest for money, power and respect. As a hoodlum, you must build up your crib. With bootleggers to generate your income, and with hustlers to protect your crib. To become bigger you will need to learn how to keep your hustlers and bootleggers happy. This can be done by purchasing certain items, and avoiding certain events. This game is simple, highly addictive and very fun, but beware of its strong content!

Latest User Review

This game is suck

1/5 stars(1/5) Reviewed by User: the_new_fresh on 2006-10-28

Hey frnyz don't play this s##t game they are making fool every one they have putted thier own players in game and they are wining by own and one more thing in this game lots of strange things around in game and yeah ofcourse they are sick too in my game themafia m reputed one but they are alwasy cheating to let won their own players so dont play this game Enjoy The new fresh wish you knows me well

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