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(1 Votes)
Exile : 3029

Exile : Dark Ages is based off of the popular site formerly known as Exile : 3029. With the downfall of the clans and the uprising of the city-states, mercs become more and more common. The players fill the roles of these mercs, contracting out to political, radical, and military groups to complete missions for a buck or two. But there's much more to it than simple guns and glory. It takes not only bronze, but brains to keep the unit going. New technologies must be researched, part supplies stocked, raw commodities acquired, and new military units built. The centerpiece of the site is the fact that we're a realtime rendition of the FASA boardgame, BattleTech. We do use much of the rules set by the boardgame, but we have some customizations, as well as strictly non-FASA templates. Come give us a try! We have a full staff available to answer any questions you might have.
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