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(86 Votes)
Deicide Online popular

DEICIDE ONLINE is with various enjoyable game contents, however this full 3D MMORPG has basic payment free policy for more users to enjoy free game play.
For those hardcore users seeking for the great ingame powers, DEICIDE ONLINE has full system consisted of big scale seize warfare, infinite PvP, various rare items, and also detailed class system with many convenient functions.
This game is very unique with special class raising system. In DEICIDE, you cannot decide your class at the beginning, but can change your class through 16 different advanced class tree. Also, you will be able to control your stats improvement by this unique game system that will allows you to upgrade certain stat contents which you use a lot. This also shows the basic developing intention of DEICIDE ONLINE in order to give users as much free-will as they can.
In DEICIDE ONLINE, not only these basic game contents such as skills, quest, background history, and detailed graphic are prepared, but also you will be able to experience the outstanding DEICIDE ONLINE game community which most of MMORPG users want other than basic game contents.
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Latest User Review
Deicide Online
(5/5) Reviewed by
User: Legion.Lord
on 2006-07-16
This is the best free game I've seen, realy good graphics and relative low requirements. Owning a castle is one of the best things you can do in this game, setting taxes to a city! I would suggest to test it on your own and feel the addiction. legionlord
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