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(19 Votes)

Days of War

Days of War

A cool massively multiplayer online World War II game that is free to play and they offer prizes to the winners.

Latest User Review

What I think of Days of War

5/5 stars(5/5) Reviewed by User: SPSMain on 2006-01-31

Well, the fact that I give it a 5 out of 5, proves that this game is excellent. I would like to go into the game, with a bit of detail. Days of War is your typical MMORPG game, but with a few extras that make it much better, which I will discuss later. Set in 1946, World War Two is still raging, because the atomic bombs have failed. This has also caused the former alliance of the USA and Russia to break, and Gemrany and Japan have also become enemies, over territorial disputes. Everyone is at war with one another, making the game more exciting. Days of War is like most other MMORPG games, except for a few things. Firstly, the number of players are good enough for a good war, but it is relatively small (about 700 players), making it a bit of an online community. Secondly, and most importantly for all you people playing for the prize: an excellent prize it is. Scarabaeus, one of the site administrators, had declared that he will try to provide a big prize every campaign for the winner, and smaller prizes for the following places. At the moment, 1st prize is: an XBOX360! Pretty impressive, I know. And finally, the admin are very friendly, communicate excellently with the players, and are willing to implement any ideas you have for making the game better. A new campaign is starting soon, which provides an excellent oppurtunity to play, and try your hand at that XBox. Or if you are really keen, sign up now for some practise. Days of War is great, and I will continue playing for a long time to come. 5 out of 5.

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