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(4 Votes)
FateLords: Song of Iron Griffins Episode I

Welcome to the advanced multiplayer sci-fi strategy game. A space combat and trading game, which will include advanced features such as ship upgrading, custom attack modes, planet colonizations, different kind of enhanced buildings, economies, diplomacies and researches. The game is set in an evolving three-dimensional galaxy, the scope of which you are not likely to encounter in any other online game.
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(3/5) Reviewed by
User: Danger
on 2003-07-29
Fatelords is a game set in space where you have to try all sorts of things to become in the top, Conquest, research, Diplomacy, Spying the list is endless. But it is very boring sometimes when you have to wait for things like gold to be collected through taxes which you set for ether 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% each collecting different amounts depending on how much gold is created. Good if you have lots of spare time and are very patient.
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