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(11 Votes)
Strategic Soccer

A multiplayer soccer / football management game where you take control of a bunch of backyard boys and turn them into real pros! Manage your team online, make tactical substitutions during gameplay, play in leagues with your friends, and exchange ideas in the forum. It's easy to join, and it's free to play, so why not take a look?
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Latest User Review
A new way of managing a football team!
(5/5) Reviewed by
User: xxflip
on 2005-01-25
Strategic Soccer is a game that unlike other allows you to make all the decisions. You play games when and if you want; You train your players at your own pace; You chose the leagues you want to take part in. You also decide how to setup your players, how they should behave on the field, and you can even change things in the middle of a game. In the end, their performance will reflect your decisions. It may not be a game you will play every single day for the rest of your life, but it will make you keep comming back!
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